Paintings for Sale

FOR SALE - $240 Le Morne Beachside 50 x 60 cms

FOR SALE - $240 Morning Whisper 50 x 60 cms

FOR SALE - $240 Albion Lighthouse                   50 x 60 cms

FOR SALE - $240 Seaside Elegance 2                   50 x 60 cms

FOR SALE - $240 Tamarin Bay 1                        50 x 60 cms

FOR SALE - $70 Wild Garden - 30 x 37 cms

FOR SALE - $170 Sunset Sailing - 40 x 50 cms

FOR SALE- $170 Le Morne Sunset - 40x50 cms

FOR SALE - $170 Le Chalet Bleu 1 - 40 x 50 cms

FOR SALE - $170 Le Chalet Bleu 2 - 40 x 50 cms

FOR SALE - $60.00 Hidden Spot - 15 x 20 cms

FOR SALE - $60.00 Rum Cocktail - 15 x 20 cms

FOR SALE - $50 Sweet Memories  25x20 cms

FOR SALE - $170.00 Tropical Oasis #1 - 40 x 50 cms

FOR SALE - $170.00 Tropical Oasis #2 - 40 x 50 cms

FOR SALE - $70.00 Blue Bay Access - 40 x 30 cms

 FOR SALE - $390.00 Sunshine and Sandy Toes 104 x 80 cms with sand colour wooden frame (Exhibition painting)

 FOR SALE - $250.00 Beautiful Morning 94 x 64 cms with sand colour wooden frame (Exhibition painting)